Meet the team

Our Trustees and Team are drawn from our local community or the groups we have grown with. Our work ethos is a sense of ‘being in it together’, responsibility for community, and putting our young people’s needs first.

About Us

Mary’s exists to provide therapeutic care and practical safety that enable young people at risk.

We build emotional skills and take action to reduce their risk of being involved in violence as a two part approach to supporting a young person.

Often the circumstances a young person is in are overwhelming and hold back their ability to engage.

Mary’s outcomes show safety support alongside mentoring are effective in managing serious youth violence and increasing individual achievement.
Read our 5 year plan

Meet our team

Jason Allen BEM
Mary Jane Roberts
Senior Caseworker
Emile Libock
Head of Therapy
Janine Goodin-Deer
Danny Fosu
Education & SEN Lead
Kafel Brown
Head of Prisons & Creative
Laura Asare
Schools & Behavioural Lead
Sara Beshira
Employment Lead
Abdisamed Abdi
Chris Lenga
Young Leader
Adeh James Mattera
Christian Lenga
Prison Interventions
William Johnson
Prison Interventions
Stephen Allen
Police Interventions
Rosie Conroy
Youth Work Assistant
Aaron Edwards
Marketing Manager
Paris Capone
Rachel Bish
Amanda Wisniewski
Assistant Treasurer
Lindsay Gregory
Derrick Chow
Jonathan Brandling-Harris
Xandra Bingley
Madeleine Du Vivier
Evidence Analyst
Louie Gregory
Knife Bin Manager
Louella Collins
Finance Assistant
Dylan George
We are committed to helping young people understand themselves and their situations. We are committed to making the world better for young people.

Our trustees

Nick Walters
Chris Lees
Casey Oppong
Catherine Pace O'Shea
Dr. Armine Ishkanian
Company Secretary
Alex Hutton Mills
Nick Nicholson

Frequently asked questions


How can I donate to Mary's Charity?

Direct debit or a payment of any size by bank transfer to:
St. Mary’s Centre Community Trust
Sort Code: 09-01-50
Account Number: 04555171

JustGiving processes donations for us you can find the link here.

If you are considering a larger donation, donation for a specific activity or a legacy please do get in touch as we’d love to speak to you. You can reach the CEO directly at

For donations through Direct Debit, one off BACS donations or cheques please fill in our gift aid form, available here, and return to if you are a UK taxpayer who is eligible for Mary’s to receive Gift Aid on your donation.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Your financial advisor can be given the information about Mary’s as a registered charity and determine the best way of giving that is tax effective for your circumstances.

For futher advice please see Remember a Charity in Your Will. If you would like to speak to our Treasurer please email letting us know and we will help.

How will my donation be used?

Donation for specific programmes such as our voucher scheme or building fund are restricted for those uses and tracked in our accounts.

General funds are directed to our four programmes: education and mentoring, violence reduction and weapon bins, prisons, and evidence. Donations are used in line with the goals that Trustees have agreed per year in line with the 5 Year Plan, which you can access here. (ADD HYPERLINK TO 5 YEAR PLAN ON WEBSITE)

Transparency & Accountabilty

Where can I find your annual reports and financial statements?

Mary’s reports and financial statements are on our Charity Commission webpage.

How does Mary's Charity ensure donations are spent effectively?

Mary’s has strict financial controls and a strong governance to ensure money is spent effectively. We are a charity and must abide by all reporting and operating requirements. Mary’s Trustees are focused on delivery of value for money in all that we do, and it is a central consideration for each of our areas of work. Funds are precious to us as they are to you and we aim in all things to create the biggest impact for our young people beneficiaries.


Can I organise a fundraiser for Mary's Charity?

Absolutely! Please see our RunForCharity links to find an event for you to participate in, from dog walking to marathons! We also welcome your fundraising plans and ideas please email if you wish to run a fundraiser and would like to discuss this.

Are there any current campaigns I can support?

Our food campaign is active, click here, which is collecting for vouchers which we use in times of distress and need to support young people to buy food. You can help a young person deal with a crisis by ensuring that they feel supported.

Our youthworkers shop with a young person to teach life skills and discuss learning such as the value of own brand products and items that can be frozen to make meals.

Can I donate items instead of money?

Mary’s doesn’t collect in and distribute items. Where our young people or their families are in need of specific help we coordinate with charities that provide household and educational support items.

Andrew Marr
As Patron of Mary’s, an organization working with disadvantaged young people in North London, many of them involved in violent gangs, I have come to know Jason and his team as quite exceptional and exceedingly brave. Their direct intervention, dogged determination to stay in touch with people being ignored by much the rest of society, and tireless work with them have, I am absolutely sure, saved many lives.

London, like much of the rest of Britain, is suffering from an epidemic of violent gang-based crime as disenchanted youths battle for territory and drugs business. Many are excluded early from school and find themselves with nowhere to go save the streets. Many are entirely terrified by what that means and understand that the likelihood of being seriously injured is high. A majority are desperate to get out but have no means of doing so.

Mary’s works with them, offering safe places, sports, and other activities, and patient conversation about their problems. Jason’s team is always available to be called and frequently put themselves in harm’s way. They are the nearest thing that this part of London has to genuine local heroes.